author Sunil Nimmagadda <>
Tue, 06 Dec 2022 13:51:55 +0000
changeset 0 1d0ce1ebbc72
permissions -rw-r--r--
An HTTP(S), FTP client. Found a copy of some old OpenBSD days hacking stashed somewhere in the backups. This version saw the light of the day as official OpenBSD ftp(1) for a grand total of 1 day :-)

# Define SMALL to disable command line editing

PROG=	ftp
SRCS=	cmd.c file.c ftp.c http.c main.c progressmeter.c url.c util.c xmalloc.c

LDADD+=	-ledit -lcurses -lutil -ltls -lssl -lcrypto

	@echo Running regression tests...
	@cd ${.CURDIR}/regress && ${MAKE} depend && exec ${MAKE} regress

.include <>